Kokopelli's World


Native Texan




Maybe its time I wrote about my one experience with a near death experience. It occured three times during my recovery from by-pass surgery. Several times during that recovery my vital signs fluctuated and the doctors and nurses had to hurry to my room and do whatever they did to restabilize my condition. Each time they did that it left me in a drugged unawareness for a time with slowly returning consciousness. Each time they came I felt fine, completely unaware that my signs had dipped low. Those emergency measures were repeated six or seven times during the thirty days after surgery. There was some type of arrhythmia that was causing the problem. The doctors corrected it and I was allowed to go home. Twice while in the hospital I had this NDE vision and drugs could have been the cause but the third one was several days after I had left the hospital and the drugs. In my mind there is no question of what I saw and felt.

I was still hooked up to monitors and they must have shown no abnormality because no one was alerted while the NDE was occuring. My senses dimmed and I found myself in growing darkness and a veil of pure white glowing light was before me. The light was intense, pure, shimmering and an inviting veil or curtain. I saw no figures, nothing but the light, but could feel the most compelling invitation to step through the veil. There was no demand, no time limits, no threat, no fear, just a loving invitation to come through to no pain. I had no sense of passing time, no sound, no feeling of the pain that was constant at that time. My mind was left only with the question of stepping through the veil or opting to stay. I felt sure that to step through meant all pain would end and all would be right and that to not step through meant that at some other time I would be offered again the veil.

With a certainty that is so absolute as to be unassailable I know now that life is a gift for each of us to make what we will of. Life without fear of it is beautiful beyond words to describe. That simple truth taught me nothing of the real workings of the cosmos nor did it answer any question of who, what, why, how, when of life. It taught me how to enjoy life. I wonder of life, still question the workings of it, still can work towards bringing peace to those I can help, but now I enjoy walking a beach or talking with friends or singing or making love without guilt or shame or worrying about what I have not done or should have done.

The reason I will never seek another NDE is because it is so compellingly inviting that next time I might opt through. I will go through some day. I will enjoy this trip here and my friends and family and loved ones and smell the salt air and walk in the surf searching for sand dollars and know the taste of strawberries and lobster until I am no longer viable. Then I will step through and rejoin those who went through before me and rejoin you when you come through.


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